Sunday, October 30, 2016

Concierge Cruises Is Honored To Support Caleb's Crusade!

Caleb’s Crusade continues to grow and prosper as we celebrate 6 years of serving 
children and their families with childhood cancer. We have helped many families 
primarily in Southwest Florida with the financial challenges that come with their 
child being diagnosed with cancer. We also aim to raise awareness for childhood 
cancer which includes advocating for children with cancer both locally and in our 
nations capitol. We are particularly tenacious in making sure children have a voice 
in the competition for research dollars, and we won’t give up until a cure is found.

Please Support Caleb's Crusade By Joining Us On The Cruise!! 

Come & Meet Caleb's Crusade & Concierge Cruises At The Event!! 


  1. Benefits of a medical concierge

  2. Cruise world travels are hassle free and suitable for people of all age groups.
